Carolina Butterfly Society

Carolina Butterfly Society emphasizes identifying and watching butterflies both in the field and garden. Every season we organize several butterflying field trips to the various biogeographic regions of the Carolinas. We offer advice on butterfly gardening, encourage photography and record-keeping, provide fact sheets for outdoor educators, sponsor gardening workshops, and collect data for conservation use. We report field trip results to the CarolinaLeps email list, which is harvested by the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program. They maintain a database of all adult butterfly reports in the Carolinas and output an annual online publication, "Notes of the Butterflies of North Carolina".  The Carolina Butterfly Society includes:

  • Gardeners who like to attract butterflies to their flower, herb, or vegetable gardens
  • Bird-watchers who have found a new focus for their enthusiasm
  • Amateur naturalists who like to learn about all aspects of the natural world
  • Photographers, artists, and crafts people who like to incorporate butterfly designs in such things as papermaking and graphic arts
  • Professional biologists who are interested in collecting data on the butterfly fauna of the Carolinas
  • Educators who teach in public schools, as well as in nature centers


Program Started: 1996
Institution Type: Naturalist Organization
Species Focus: All butterfly species


Protocol Type: Open search, Field trip
Data Type(s): Abundance
Survey Focus: Adults